Monday, March 23, 2009

Thanks for the encouraging comments!

Thanks Jen, Mindy and Amanda for your very kind and encouraging comments! It's nice to know someone is out there. Amanda you were the first to mention that you would love my RAK so I would love to get it to you. Please email me your information and I will post that RAK asap! And I'll add a couple of extra goodies just for fun.

I tried to visit your blogs but they are private. I love reading blogs and meeting new people so send me an invite and I'll definitely stop by.

I've been working on a couple of projects this weekend and now I just need to photograph them. Stay tuned tomorrow or Wednesday when I post these. They are both based on Inspired Blueprints sketches. And I'll have Project 365 layouts to share also.

QVC is having scrapbooking shows tomorrow and Wednesday. I'm really excited to see Brenda Pinnick because I love her stuff.

Happy Monday!


Jeremy & Amanda Butt said...
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Jeremy & Amanda Butt said...

I don't know where to find your email, I guess I am dumb. Also I wasn't the first to comment, Mindy had commented before me so you can send it too her (to be fair) but I will continue to check your blog and I can't wait to see your pics of your project!

kipandmindy said...

Thanks Amanda for posting that I commented first. I have to tell you it was like christmas to think I had won your kit. I never win anything. Anyways, send me a message at and I will set you up to see my blog. It is nothing too exciting but maybe I can be inspired by your posts to do more!!