Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Digital Scrappin'

Hello everyone. I still haven't gotten into the groove to scrap again since the holidays but I did create a mini calendar for my Mom with my Foto Fusion software. Now, I'm not a big fan of digital scrapbooking because I like the feel of the papers and supplies in my hands; the digital side is just not as fulfilling to me. However, I do dabble a little and Foto Fusion is a wonderful collaging and digital scrapping software. I've had the program for years now and it always makes it so easy to scrap a page or create a quick collage.

Here are a few examples of the digitally designed pages for my Mom's calendar before adding the 3D embellishments (dummy me did not think to take a picture of the actual calendar), but anyway, you get the idea.

I translated a couple of the quotes from my Intrinsic calendar and the digital kits that weren't part of Foto Fusion were from Embellies.com (I downloaded a couple of kits from this site a while back ago and now I can't pull up the webpage.)
I am also going to dabble in Becky Higgins' Project 365 scrapbooking. Have you heard of that? Sounds like fun. Let's see.


Anonymous said...

Hi Cat, thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

yacylia said...

I think I'm gonna have to get that software so I can do something with my pics! LOL! I'm sure Mom will love this new calendar. I'm saying Thanks for her.